Product Information

Mist Lubrication System

Mist Lubrication System

We offer Lubomatic mist lubrication system that helps to change the oil into small atomized droplets, known as Oil-Mist, in smooth air. This mist assists us in forming a thin oil film around the lubricated area.
Detailed Description

We offer Lubomatic mist lubrication system that helps to change the oil into small atomized droplets, known as Oil-Mist, in smooth air. This mist assists us in forming a thin oil film around the lubricated area. Offered with the reservoir capacity of 1.5 litres to 20 litres, our Lubomatic mist lubrication system includes special mixing chambers, pneumatic pumping system and nozzles.

Mist Cool System: A fine spray is formed when air and liquid (air & coolant) flows out from the mist cool chamber. Further the spray cools and lubricates the tap & drill and removes the burr on the tap & drill & tools, when moved to tap or drill. This helps us in improving the durability of the tools (drill & tap), reducing the downtime and increasing the efficiency

  • Connect the Air inlet line with air supply line & open the cock.
  • Insert the two pin plug in the proper electric supply power – 220 VAC / 24 VDC
  • Fill the oil in the reservoir
  • Hold the outlet pipe for some time till you see the oil mist is seen from the outlet of the nozzle. Increase or decrease the air flow by air flow control valve and also set oil flow by oil flow control valve till you get proper air oil mist.
  • Spray the mist on the parts you have to lubricate.
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Anand Patil
( Partner )